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REVEAL: Groups Opposed to the ICC

All links last verified 6/12/02


o & News on the International Churches of Christ/ICC
This site contains a lot of information, and is updated frequently. Reginald Green and others host this site and a couple of mirrors.

o Phoenix ICC Ex-Member Support Group
A support group for former ICC members in the Phoenix, Arizona area has put up this web page. This has a short, but good, set of links to other sites, and local contact information for members or former members of the Phoenix Valley Church of Christ or other ICC affiliated churches who need to talk with someone about it.

o ICOC: Investigación, Confrontación, Orientación, Concienciación
A group of former ICC members in Mexico has posted some very well written information in Spanish about the ICC and its activities in Mexico and Latin America. If you speak Spanish, go here!

o Information Concerning One Cult (
A German site hosted by former members of the Berlin Internationale Gemeinde Christi, as the ICC is known there. Includes updates from various cities in German-speaking Europe where the ICC is active.

o Triumphing Over London Cults (TOLC)
TOLC was formed by former members of ICC affiliates in Great Britian, particularly the London Church of Christ. This is a fine WWW page with a tremendous amount of valuable information about the ICC. Highly recommended.

o John Engler: Barnabas Ministries
John and Patricia Engler were once long-time (more than twenty year) members, and proponents of the Denver International Church of Christ. John was once a teacher. John and Patricia enrolled in classes at Denver Seminary, which only compounded to their many difficulties with the International Churches of Christ's teachings. Their resignation letters (John's and Patricia's are on their site, as well as the response from the Denver elders. John has some excellent reflections on the ICC.

o ICOC News
Lee Harrington, a former long-time member of the International Churches of Christ in Chicago, maintains this site.

o Kip
A website maintaining questions and investigations on the ICC and Kip McKean. The same owner also maintains ICOC

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